Category: Disc Dog Bitework
Disc Dog Bitework | Disc Dog freestyle is Bite, Drop, Give – Everything else is cool looking Reward Placement.
Bitework Criteria with Prima
Back to the Future | Marty McFly Puppy Bitework
Disc Dog Puppy Bitework | Details
Teaching a DiscDog Puppy to Catch | Bridging the Take
DiscDog Puppy Bitework | Function
DiscDog Mechanics | Reinforcing a Give with a Tugging Take
Practical Disc Dog Puppy Bitework with Wham!
DiscDog Puppy Bitework | Criteria and Bite Trigger
Disc Quan Do Yellow Belt Test – Installing the Cued Drop and Cleaning Up Communication
On Engagement in Dog Sports and Dog Training
Engagement™ is a huge buzzword these days in the dog training world. I think it’s taken over Rear End Awareness™” and Core Strength™. We’ve been…
PVybe Dog Sport Behavior Camp – Organization
Fixing a Dog Who Can’t Catch – Part 2
this is the second installment in this series. Check out part 1. continued from part 1 – yes, this is the same video but you…
Fixing a Dog Who Can’t Catch – Part 1 of 2
sometimes dogs learn the funniest things. like Viper here… he thinks the object of the game is to pick up the disc off the ground.…
10 Strings to Pull to Manage Drive and Untie Behavioral Knots – Pt 2
The last two installments of this series outlined the behavioral strings and knots metaphor and examined 5 ‘strings’ of behavior and their relationship to behavioral…
10 Strings to Pull to Manage Drive and Untie Behavioral Knots – Pt 1
Yesterday’s piece was about how solving behavioral problems is kind of like untangling knots. Today I’m going to talk about the strings that make up…
Pulling Strings and Untying Behavioral Knots with Bitework
solving problems with bitework is like untying a knot. work on one strand or maybe a couple at a time and tug, loosen, and manipulate…