Tag: Shaping
Shaping is a training technique using successive approximation to create complex behaviors; articles by Ron Watson of Pawsitive Vybe on Shaping.
AFF – SDiT Koda – Shaping a Brace
Here’s a quick video of Apryl Lea and Koda working on the Brace behavior. This is the first session on this particular behavior and Koda’s…
Shaping the Spot Behavior with Dismissal
Four Qualities of Good Dog Trainers
Three Tips for Working with Distracted Dogs
Success Vs Performance Requirements
Eight Ways to Slow Down Your Disc Dog
Disc Throwing Secret: Manufacturing Success
Creative Disc Throw | Airbounce
DOC – A Freeshaped Engagement Framework
What is Doc? DOC stands for Dismiss – Observe – Capture and it is how we handle stable dogs in stable environments. Handling a stable…
Foundation on the Fly – Shaping the Give with a Single Toy
Shaping the Give with a Collar Grab
Exercise – Freeshaped Multiple Target Targeting
Note: in the video linked above, LaVerne demonstrates this exercise at 15:14 and 23:16 Freeshaped Multiple Target Targeting is a training exercise that we do…