Managing of Drive is a key element of dog training, disc dogs, and dog sport; articles on Drive Management by Ron Watson of Pawsitive Vybe.
Wait vs Stay Using a Back Stall with An Over-Aroused Dog
Wait vs Stay Using a Back Stall with An Over-Aroused Dog | Pt 3
Wait vs Stay Using a BackStall with An Over-Aroused Dog | Pt 2
Wait vs Stay Using a BackStall with An Over-Aroused Dog | Pt 1
Go Do Dog Stuff: Seven Simple Ideas for Effective Dismissal
What Is Dismissal? Dismissal is the opposite of Attention. Practically speaking, it means that the handler is not available at this time. It does not…
Manufacturing the Approach
Three Tips for Working with Distracted Dogs
Seven Ways to Reinforce Your Disc Dog
DOC – A Freeshaped Engagement Framework
What is Doc? DOC stands for Dismiss – Observe – Capture and it is how we handle stable dogs in stable environments. Handling a stable…
The Pawsitive Vybe STARR Protocol
STARR Protocol for Reactive Dogs Working with reactive or fearful dogs is a specialty of Pawsitive Vybe. The key to dealing with these troubled dogs…