Funky Push Throw

A funky little Push throw that spins counter clock and Is thrown with the fingers on top.This throw is something of a changeup and can struggle in …

SideArm Throw

The Sidearm Throw, aka: forehand, or Flick is a conventional throw for disc dogs. It spins Counter Clock and should be thrown to the left.

Counter Clock Through

The Counter Clock Through is the other side of the Through. This set up move has both a clock and counter clock expression.

Reverse Single Foot Vault

Reverse single foot Vault is a flipping vault where the dog launches into the flip from the sole of the handler’s foot to catch the disc.

High 5 Fakie

Flyball Box Turn off the Handler’s Hand HIGH 5 FAKIE Just like a fakie spin or twist except this time the dog targets the palm…


A Jakie is a Flip or Leap that touches the handler to negotiate a landing or a rebound with the catch happening before the vaulting platform

Japan Vault

A spinning vault with the toss going under the left arm. Hat tip to "Japan Style" as done by Ron Watson of Pawsitive Vybe.


A Hybrid Move, the Through-n-Twist Creates Space and Dynamic Team Movement

Reverse Leg Vault

the Reverse Leg Vault is a flipping vault where the dog launches into the flip from the handler's leg.

Back Stall

Dog leaps up on the handler's back & Stalls up there until asked to get Off. It's a real crowd pleaser. This can be done with a disc and a catch or no…

Strong Flip

Dog flips for a disc to their strong side - didn't know a dog had a strong side? read on... know which side we're talking about? Read on...

Cross Body Back Vault

Vaulting from left to right or right to left, the Cross Body Back Vault is a common and flexible skill.

Back Jakie

A Back Jakie is a flip or a leap that is caught with the intent to use the handler to navigate the landing.


The Fish is a trick in which the dog makes a catch and passes it back to the handler before hitting the ground - a Flying Give.

Weak Side Flip

Dogs have a strong and weak side when it comes to turning and twisting – Clock or Counter – the Weak Flip is a flip…

Reverse Chest Vault

Dog vaults from the handler's chest to catch a thrown disc. Reverse vaults are flips off the handlers body rather than a linear leap.

Kneeling Leg Over

An over from a kneeling position using the handler's bent or straight leg as the over platform is a Kneeling Leg Over