A Dog’s Eye Perspective | Tying the Zig Zag to the Flatwork Compass

Zig Zag patterns are dueling flanks in front of the handler: Clockwise Flank, catch, reverse field, Counter Clock Flank, catch, reverse field, repeat. A well performed or proper Zig Zag is based entirely upon the Flank. An immature or poorly performed Zig Zag devolves into alternating Passes. The Flatwork Compass uses natural body positions and natural human to canine positional pressure to communicate Flank vs Pass.

Take a look at the following video and compare it to the active concepts from the Flatwork Compass.

0:18 – My body position is screaming Clockwise Flank. This is exactly the same position as the Flatwork Compass for the Clockwise Flank.
1:06 – The Counter Clock Flank is clearly being communicated here as well. This is the exact same position used in the Flatwork Compass to communicate the Counter Clock Flank.

Be Prepared – Tying This to the 4 Hands Form

We have already tied the Zig Zag to the 4 Hands Form with Epic and you can see the same position and movement here.

1:51 – All of this takes place at a good distance and in an early timeframe. Being prepared is completely key. Also note that this position is also exactly the same as the 4 Hands Form.

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