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Throwing With Intent

Throwing with Intent is throwing a disc to your dog with the intent to make them look good. Throwing the disc to promote a big leap, to hit the dog in stride on the run or throwing a disc that your dog is going to flip for 10 yards away, is the sign of a mature handler.

Shaping the Around for Lateral and UpField Movement

Go Around is a standard Set Up Move in disc dog freestyle. It creates timing and position with movement and is the standard set up for toss and fetch. It is this standard set up for toss and fetch that dominates the movement and as a result, most Arounds resolve or release to the front of the handler at 12 o clock in clockwise fashion.

DiscDogger Weekly #14 – Puppies, Premature Ejumpulation, Bite Club, and Turning the World UpSide Down

We’ve got some sweet rounds of TimeWarp from Bite Club, the Grasshopper puppy’s 2nd Disc Dog Jam, some Epic sequence stealing, a bunch collection and tracking work to cure Premature Ejumpulation, and a few throwing lessons.

UpDog Game Strategies | Single Jump Frizgility with Loot

I think many disc dog freestylers, especially old schoolers and noobs are not overly interested in Frizgility because they don’t have the agility skills and/or don’t want to train and proof the agility skills. Some of us are not interested in creating a pattern with our dogs. But most all discdoggers have trained their dog to do an agility jump, or could very simply train this skill and the multi-tasking required to do something like a jump with a disc available is a terrific skill to have installed on your disc dog.
