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Disc Dog Throwing | From Form to Function

This session is focused on practically applying the 8 and 12 Hands Forms towards a Zig Zag. You can look at this as training, learning, or a proofing exercise simply by shifting your focus.

UpDog Game Strategies | Single Jump Frizgility with Loot

I think many disc dog freestylers, especially old schoolers and noobs are not overly interested in Frizgility because they don’t have the agility skills and/or don’t want to train and proof the agility skills. Some of us are not interested in creating a pattern with our dogs. But most all discdoggers have trained their dog to do an agility jump, or could very simply train this skill and the multi-tasking required to do something like a jump with a disc available is a terrific skill to have installed on your disc dog.
