Rewarding with Action

Tough Luck At Pawsitive Vybe, Dogs don’t earn cookies, they earn the opportunity for cookies. When the mark leads to opportunity, dog’s are conditioned to…

Rewarding with Plastic

Rewarding a dog with flying discs is an artform. If you are good at it, you can get more out of your dog in a…

Attention for Wait

Attention in the presence of discs creates a default wait. If eye contact is marked, the dog waits in anticipation of her cookie. If you…

Create & Leverage Game

Multiple Equal-Value Targets Use multiple targets to create a higher rate of reinforcement and to establish more control over the mechanics of the game: bite,…

Secondary Reinforcer

A Secondary Reinforcer is a conditioned reinforcer that gets it’s value from it’s proximity to a Primary Reinforcer. The “primary reinforcers” in the game of…

Negative Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement is taking away something to increase the likelihood of the behavior happening in the future. An aversive stimulus is removed when the dog…

Drop Criteria

Teeth off is the criteria for a drop. This might seem obvious when reading or talking about it, but can be difficult to understand or…