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Ecological and Enactive Aspects of the Primal Elements of Play+

The Primal Elements of Play are a featured aspect of Play+, and are shaped and honed as a product of embodied experiences. Over the course of the development of this philosophy, JJ Gibson’s Affordance theory and direct perception crossed my path and the Primal Elements seem to be key elements of the perceptual array for direct perception.

Do Then Cue – Putting Behaviors Before the Cued Drop for Proofing Purposes

Cue Before Do is standard operating procedure for teaching a cued Drop with discs. Cue Before Do means that you ask for and get the Drop behavior before giving the cookie which is “Do” – throw, next move, bite, etc. Because disc dog freestyle is really nothing more than a series of long behavior chains, many of which are dependent upon having the disc out of the dog’s mouth to complete, this makes complete sense and is logically sound.

On Shapes in Disc Dog Freestyle

Shapes are more than just the trail left by the dog on the field, and the patterns created by the dog after the catch. Shapes differ from Flatwork, and higher level Shapes should not rely solely on how the dog releases after a catch. Shapes are how the dog moves to navigate the catch.

Shaping the Around for Lateral and UpField Movement

Go Around is a standard Set Up Move in disc dog freestyle. It creates timing and position with movement and is the standard set up for toss and fetch. It is this standard set up for toss and fetch that dominates the movement and as a result, most Arounds resolve or release to the front of the handler at 12 o clock in clockwise fashion.

Shaping Engagement with Harbor

Engagement starts with Dismissal. You can’t ON without OFF. If you don’t control turning your dog OFF, you don’t have a good hold of the handle on Engagement. Aleaha & Harbor do some disc work featuring Dismissal and some capturing and shaping of Engagement from the environment.
