
Unsolicited eye contact or Attention is a great way to hook up with a dog. If you have something the dog wants he should give…

Play+ Universe

The Play+ Universe is a map of your dog training universe. Everything you’ve ever done or thought can be placed on this map. Everything your…

Why is the Handler?

What does a good handler afford their dog? Access to environments and objects in the environment that invite action. The Handler is the dog’s gateway…

Where is the Handler?

The dog’s attention activates the handler who creates several actual opportunities then dismisses the dog.  Treat it like a game, not like a tool for…

This, Wait… Next!

We have 2 Behaviors, This and That. Let’s use 2 pedestals to start or 2 mats on the ground (harder). This is marked with the…

Perceptual Horizons

Perceptual Horizons are all that we can sense in the actual world around us. Attention is the focus and the Ground is the blurry, out…