Ron Watson | Heli Out Flip
A Moving Flip from Flank that Goes Against the Flank

Keys to the Trick:
- Out is Against the Flank
Out to the side of the handler is the Flank. If the dog is out to the handler's right or left the dog is on Flank. If the dog is moving with the...
- Move and Reinforce to Hold the Flank
- Contrast In vs Out
- Experiment in Both Directions
- Pressure
Pressure comes in many forms in dog training. Positional Pressure, Performance Pressure, Environmental Pressure, the Plane of the handler’s body. Pressure is a fact. How you wield it or leverage it is up...
- Helis are Always There
Flip Out and Break the Flank
the Heli Out flip happens on the Flank and finishes on the Flank but unlike the Heli In, the Out goes against the flank the dog is working on. your dog should flip away from you and catch the disc on the outside of the Working Flank.
Out has two meanings here: out meaning out of the flank and out meaning away from the handler. Either of these ideas will clearly illustrate the Heli Out flip. On the Heli In flip, the dog turns towards the handler and continues the flank.
The Heli Out breaks the Flank by flipping in the opposite direction of the flank.
Keep Pulling and Rush the Dog
the Heli flip concept is that the dog flips while maintaining a Working Flank. the dog flips while on flank and finishes the flip on the same flank. not all dogs make it. try to keep it moving to rush the dog or reward for position to hold the flank.
Your dog might not make it all the way around on the flip right away. It’s cool. Just keep it moving with your body and the flank and the pattern develop. You can add a Bite, Throw or RollerThe Roller is a great throw for reinforcing a dog with a disc. Instead of flying through the air like a wing, the Roller rolls on the ground like a wheel; a fast,..., or some sharp movement out in front of the dog where the working flank is going to reinforce the finish.
Resist the urge to stop and wait for the dog. Make the dog late to the party, just barely, and he or she should catch up.
Compare and Contrast In and Out In Both Directions
strong and weak flipping gets interesting when working In and Out. the pressure aspect of this type of flip has great impact on flipping for many dogs. be sure to put them next to each other to compare and contrast the mechanics.
The positional pressure and Team MovementTeam Movement is how dog and handler move, as a team, out there on the field. It is a judging category in some organizations and certainly is a focus of many judges, players,... pressure are extremely important flipping concepts. It is a good idea to explore this skill. In one direction, Out will be strong and In will be weak. And in the other direction the same may or may not be true.
Out and In combine with Clock and Counter in unexpected ways and exploring those ways might just be the secret sauce needed for your Flip or might unlock a cool new type of flip for you. Alternating Heli In and Heli Out in some fashion is a great exercise for Dog | Handler | Team.
Positional and Team Movement Pressure
many DiscDogs, border collies and herding dogs in particular, are highly responsive to pressure. the standard Pose and/or Front position apply quite a bit of frontal pressure. lateral pressure is also a factor.
The movement Clock and Counter, In and Out have pressure associated with them.
On the Flank, the Clock or Counter movement is sort of like running down hill. This downhill function will be greater on the Strong FlankThe Strong Flank is the flank that the dog wants to run. Most dogs are unbalanced and prefer to move in either a clockwise or counter clockwise fashion. The Strong Flank can also... than the Weak Flank
The Weak Flank is the flank that the dog does not prefer to run. Most dogs are unbalanced and prefer to move in either a clockwise or counter clockwise fashion.The dog is likely.... In and Out have positional pressure from the handler, flipping IN is flipping towards pressure, and flipping OUT is flipping away from pressure.
These two types of pressure working in 4 directions at once impacts all kinds of DiscDog skills, but flipping in particular. Explore them and try to get a sense or get some experiences of your dog’s preferences for these subtle pressure of position and Team Movement.
Helis are Always There!
the In and Out and the “running down hill” idea of directional based preference does not require a full on Working Flank to impact the Dog | Handler | Team. any angle from Front creates a line and In and Out are a fact.
There is always a flank. Your dog wil always have an angle – either in relation to the disc or to the handler. As soon as there is a Flank there is pressure. Are we going in the dog’s chosen direction? If so, we’re running down hill.
This might be a tiny little hill, just the dog a hair off center from perfect FrontFront is a stable position directly in front of the handler. Front is an traditional obedience skill. Usually your dog sits in this position, but standing is often acceptable as well, especially in.... But that hair off center creates an angle. An angle between dog and handler creates a line and a flank. A line and a flank create pressure In and Out.
This is always present and is often not very important. But if you’re struggling with flips or want to get the most out of your dog and learn what you two are capable of as a team, recognition of this is quite important and potentially game changing.