Go Do Dog Stuff…
Dismiss – Go Do Dog Stuff…
go do dog stuff is our cue for Dismissal which means that the handler is off limits. it doesn’t mean you are free to go, it doesn’t mean stop working, it doesn’t mean you can do what you want, Dismissal means the Handler is Unavailable.
This seemingly silly distinction is absolutely critical. The handler being “Off Limits” turns access to the handler into a Resource. Once interaction with the handler is a Resource we can use it as we would a cookie and control access to it. Limited access resources are more valuable than freely available resources. This is why the Environment is such a huge distraction – it’s a limited access resource for most dogs. The handler is always making it off limits so it is obviously an opportunity.
Once we turn the handler into an opportunity, the dog offers behaviors while Dismissed and we get to choose which ones gain access to us. So we can cultivate Soft Work or easy interactions or we can ask for apeshit action depending upon what we want out of the dog.
For DOC purposes, we just want to chill and have an Existential Experience. You’re going to want to string out the Dismissal and go variable with your reengagement behavior. Get the dog to offer LAT (There It Is!), Attention, or Reorientation several times, before you mark and Engage. Just chill. It’s cool.
Observe – The Dog in the Environment
most handlers with dogs who have environmental problems have never actually observed their dog. they can’t, too busy handling and avoiding problems. you can’t observe the dog if you are too busy handling and training the dog.
In order to shape behavior you have to be able to honestly observe the dog. It is very hard to shape behavior if you are not in a position to observe the dog.
Within the DOC protocol, you’re observing the dog to gain intelligence on how the dog responds to things in the environment and you’re poised to mark and reinforce a behavior that will get you out of trouble. So you’ve got the best of both worlds. You’re able to have situational awareness and have the freedom to let your dog make decisions as the dog is Dismissed and you are off limits.
Capture – Coordinated, Approaching Calamity, or Environmental Collapse
watch the dog and the Environment. identify Triggers for your dog. capture one of a few selected criteria as you wish, as the trigger appears, or the Environment collapses on the dog. be prepared to pounce on criteria with a Reward History.
Given that you’ve been watching the situation develop with no responsibility to run and handle the dog, you’ve got a wide perspective of the Environment and you know what’s happening. You know that in 10 seconds the dog is gonna see that dude in the hat. So just wait, identify your likely criteria, and pounce when it happens.
Capture the behavior, work the dog, and let that creepy dude walk by. When he’s gone, dismiss the dog and go back to your Existential Experience and observe the dog.
The Dismissal is critical for setting up an honest shaping situation so you can Shape and Capture behaviors and let the dog acclimate to existing in the Environment on their own.