Does It Look or Feel Different If Out of Order?

Does Stall | Top | Rebound sound or feel different than Top | Stall | Rebound? Does your dog feel the same?
*Top = Linear Vault

Stall First? Does It Make a Difference? Have You Tried?

the Top | Stall | Rebound triad and general vault discrimination principles has great meaning to Dog | Handler | Team. do they mean anything different if they are put in a different order? is there anything to be learned from that?

Just a quick one, a bit of a practical thought experiment. Mix these three up in some practical training and see if the order of tricks matters in your training session. Pit them against each other. This – That – The Other. The Other – That – This…

Top – Linear Vault vs Stall Then Catch

a vault is the dog leaping off the handler’s body to catch a disc. while, technically it is possible to cram a Stall into a vaulting hole. a proper vault has the dog leaving the ground for the Target. the dog uses the body to get the Target.

This could be considered a fairly petty or elitist kind of argument: A vault that has slow, Stall-like attributes is not as cool as a sharp poppy vault. Or that the slow, Stall-like vault is not a vault at all. And while both can be true, that’s not the point.

The point is that the Top and Stall are incompatible. The dog knows that “Top” means to skip the Stall entirely, collect and leap for flying well past the handler with no intent to stop on the body.

Top is the polar opposite of a Stall – Top is the Anti-Stall. And like many other simple skills we may use mutually exclusive skills to teach the skill, may be required to do that in fact. But, at some point in time we’ve got to separate out and clarify those skills and make them clear to the dog.

We can do this with Compare and Contrast Top, then Stall, and that’s what the method calls for. But if we’ve got a little bit of Both on the vault, well, that’s a problem.

Dog Leaves the Ground for the Target…

Rebound – Inverted Chest Stall? Race Ya…

looking at this triad makes me think that a sweet move would be a Rebound Stall. Essentially a Reverse Chest or Reverse Leg vault that sticks in the Stall when it hits the body. almost like a dog catch. I bet there’s a sweet dismount.

Pics / vids or it don’t exist.