Tag: dismissal
Dismissal, the dog not having access to the handler, is a key aspect of Engagement. You can’t have engagement without dismissal; articles by Ron Watson on Dismissal in dog training.
Shaping Engagement with Harbor
[Link] Install an Off Switch While Building Drive — Leave them Wanting More
Chad Culp’s recent piece on his blog, Thriving Canine should be required reading for all dog trainers, dog sport and disc dog handlers in particular.…
Go Do Dog Stuff: Seven Simple Ideas for Effective Dismissal
What Is Dismissal? Dismissal is the opposite of Attention. Practically speaking, it means that the handler is not available at this time. It does not…
Pawsitive Vybe S2E1 – Got Attention?
Three Tips for Working with Distracted Dogs
DOC – A Freeshaped Engagement Framework
What is Doc? DOC stands for Dismiss – Observe – Capture and it is how we handle stable dogs in stable environments. Handling a stable…