discdogger weekly #10

DiscDogger Weekly #10

Got your weekly disc dog fix here… Episode 10 of DiscDogger Weekly. We’ve got some UpDog Crossover Crown games and some FunKey strategy training, a few Epic new tricks, some vault throwing technique, and some Disc Quan Do with Obi, Eppie, & Loot.
Hope you dig it.

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✌️?Peace & Happy Jamming?✌️

DiscDogger Weekly #10, a playlist generated weekly online disc dog show. Check it out and be sure to Like | Share | Subscribe to our channel. This piece brought to you by Patrons of Pawsitive Vybe and HeroDisc USA

Lessons all have links in the descriptions to lessons on the Pawsitive Vybe Disc and Dogs Blog. Most lessons are accessible only to Patrons of Pawsitive Vybe, but if you dig the show and want a little more you should become a patron to get full access and some goodies to boot.

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