Categories: Disc Dog Routine Building, Patron's Only
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Patron’s Choice : Shaping a Leaping Catch | Leaping Functions
Sneak Peek for Patron’s only… Public access Dec 27th | Functions of canine leaping and how leaping catches function by Ron Watson
Patron’s Choice: Shaping a Leaping Catch | Leaping Concepts
Patron’s Choice Sneak Peek | Public Access Dec. 26
Key concepts of the canine leaping skill and behavior chain that shape and reinforce a leaping catch.
Don’t Pick Up That Disc! Flatwork Navigation for Better Disc Management
Yesterday we covered Efficiency, Intelligence, and Intent in Disc Management in overview fashion. Today we’re going to go a bit deeper and focus in on one of the applications mentioned in that piece: Flatwork Navigation.
Patron’s Choice: Shaping a Leaping Catch | Creating a Late Read
Reading the disc is a skill that astute dogs and humans pick up rather quickly. The float, the spinSpins and Twists are tricks where the dog spins 360 degrees in a clockwise or counter clockwise fashion. Spin is clockwise and Twist is counter clockwise so it is important to have a... More, and the speed can reliably be gauged and predicted after several reps. Of course this changes with wind, disc choice, and throwing ability but, generally speaking, the flight path of a disc is easily predicted.
Throwing With Intent
Throwing with IntentThrowing with intent means delivering discs with the intent to make the dog leap or look good. This skill is extremely important for teaching a dog to leap reliably and for enhancing a... More is throwing a disc to your dog with the intent to make them look good. Throwing the disc to promote a big leap, to hit the dog in stride on the run or throwing a disc that your dog is going to flip for 10 yards away, is the sign of a mature handler.
Nine Distinct & Observable Properties of the Disc Dog Noob
Here are nine things that noobs do that everyone should be aware of so they can not do them as much and get bigger and better scores. Any one of these issues could and will cost you more than a few points in a contest: