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Pawsitive Vybe S2E3 – Crossing the Threshold

One simple concept, properly applied could be used to make your dog stop and look at you when a door was opened or an open door was encountered,without prompting. It’s dead simple and serves as the basis of jump up on an object, get off the couch, get in the car, and get out of the kitchen. Pretty cool, right?

My Dog is not Food Motivated

This issue comes up every once in a while in my discussions and training sessions with students and potential students. Personally, I’ve never ran across a dog that’s not food motivated, and I don’t really think they exist. Any dog that is in decent shape and is hungry is motivated by food.

Pawsitive Vybe S2E4 – Recapping Key Concepts

The 3 concepts we’ve covered so far:Attention and Targeting, and Threshold are active in nearly every cooperative skill you do with your dog. Let’s look at them again with a focus on leveraging them.
