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Shaping the Around for Lateral and UpField Movement

Go Around is a standard Set Up Move in disc dog freestyle. It creates timing and position with movement and is the standard set up for toss and fetch. It is this standard set up for toss and fetch that dominates the movement and as a result, most Arounds resolve or release to the front of the handler at 12 o clock in clockwise fashion.

Rec’d on YT | 🥏🐶🥋Mechanics Monday: Mastering Cuing, Communication & Flow in Disc Dog | DiscDog Dojo#90 🔧🔥

🐾🎥 Welcome back to DiscDog Dojo! In tonight’s special Mechanics Monday livestream, join world-renowned disc dog trainer Ron Watson, along with his trusty co-host Epic, and their furry friends CupCake and the King as they explore the art of cuing, communication, and Flow in disc dog training. 🥏🐶
