Hops in Rockford #1
Trainer’s Notes:
- Freeshaped Down earns cookies in Rear of Crate. – 30 seconds
Hops’ down made cookies happen in the rear of the crate presenting competing interest between crate and public environment. - Freeshaped Down to get the hand to the door. – 30 seconds
Hops’ down made me put my hand on the crate latch. Consequent. - Duration on Down or to get the door open. – 30 seconds
Hops’ getting up prompted hand to be removed from crate latch. After a few breaks of down, Hops held and door opened. - Freeshaped eye contactUnsolicited eye contact or Attention is a great way to hook up with a dog. If you have something the dog wants he should give eye contact in order to get access to... for cookies and then exit. – 30 seconds
Hops was getting frustrated, so we reduced down criteria to “in the crate” and moved to freeshaped Eye Contact to add value to open doored crate and as path to getting outside – 5 or so cookies. Last eye contact earned exit. - Freeshaped reorientation funneled into eye contact. 10 seconds
Eye contact was obtained through reorientation and reward placement. - Freeshaped Look At That and Eye Contact. – 2 minutes
Used LAT and Eye Contact to keep Hops engaged on his handler. Hops was very biddable and did a fantastic job! - Eye Contact rewarded with access to the restroom. – 1 minute
Hops pulled to the grassy area. Reorientation was marked and reinforced with a cookie. Funneled into Eye Contact with cookies. Eye contact earns right to the Restroom. - Freeshaped reorientation and eye contact for some work. 10 seconds
After a bit of scratching, Hops offered eye contact. A bit of look at that to hold…. - Freeshaped Eye Contact reinforce with crate. 10 seconds
Eye Contact earns entry into crate.
Time: 6 minutes.