
In Play+, the primary nexus is the Dog | Handler | Team. This Team nexus is the typical usage within the process philosophy of play.

Per Whitehead any group of actual entities participating in a concrescence (think of a child skipping a stone on the water… everything affected) can be viewed as a nexus.

The Actual World is a nexus. if they are prehended and present within a concrescent occasion. It’s a fascinating theory. Here’s a sample of Process and Reality:

“The nexus of actual
in the universe correlate to a concrescence is termed ‘the actual
‘ correlate to that concrescence.

Alfred N Whitehead | Process and Reality p. 23

Actual entities involve each other by reason of their prehensions of each other. There are thus real individual facts of the togetherness of actual entities, which are real, individual, and particular, in the same sense in [30] which actual entities and the prehensions are real, individual, and particular. Any such particular fact of togetherness among actual entities is called a ‘nexus’ ( plural form is written ‘nexus’ ) . The ultimate facts of immediate actual experience are actual entities, prehensions, and nexus. All else is, for our experience, derivative abstraction.

Alfred N Whitehead | Process and Reality p. 20