Working Multiple Dogs | Principles for the Distraction Dog
The Distraction Dog is not very important to this exercise. This dog is simply used as a distraction for the Working Dog’s duration behavior. The ‘work’ that we do with the Distraction Dog is not important. What’s important is getting to the ReleaseRelease has many meanings in disc. Throws and throw variations can be referred to as releases. Sometimes you talk about the dog releasing something, the toy, or the environment, as in to stop... More for the Working Dog.
Start Simply
We can work a sit with the Distraction Dog and work and pay the Working Dog. Simple, eh? If we’ve got our working dog on a pedestalSpot is a “go to a place”, or “go to a mat” behavior. This means that the dog seeks out and performs a duration behavior on a spot of the handler’s choosing. A..., we can structure our ‘work’ with the Distraction Dog so the energy level and position make a proper challenge for the Working Dog. We want to start simply so the Working Dog is successful.
If our Working Dog is triggered by movement or motion, use food and keep the Distraction Dog calm and slow.
Stay Focused
Remember that the Distraction Dog is not important. The only thing that is important is getting that Working Dog released.
Sample behaviors to work for Distraction Dog:
- AttentionUnsolicited eye contact or Attention is a great way to hook up with a dog. If you have something the dog wants he should give eye contact in order to get access to...
- Positioning
- Spot/Pedestal
- Hand Targeting
- Heelwork
- Freeshaping
- Low Intensity PlayPlay is willing, self-induced engagement in, and the experience of, novel, consequent opportunity.
- Increase Play Intensity