Throwing Discs to Dogs | Runners vs Floaters

A disc can be thrown in many ways. Two of the many ways of throwing a disc are Runners and Floaters. Runners fly long, straight, and far and have very little hover to them. A toss and fetch throw is a runner. Runners are chased down. Floaters rise up to their apex, hover for a moment, and then drop to the ground. Throws that are made in order to make your dog leap are most likely Floaters.

This is a lesson created for DiscDog Foundation 2020, an online class available free of charge to Patrons of Pawsitive Vybe and to the general public for a modest fee.

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Throwing With Intent

Throwing with Intent is throwing a disc to your dog with the intent to make them look good. Throwing the disc to promote a big leap, to hit the dog in stride on the run or throwing a disc that your dog is going to flip for 10 yards away, is the sign of a mature handler.
