Class Excerpt | The Basics of Throwing a Skip & Rolling Discs

The ability to skip and roll a disc is the essence of control over the wing angle of a disc. A thrown disc has both a skip and roll side. The skip side is hyzer, the roll side is anhyzer.

This is a complimentary lessons from our Throwing Discs for Distance online class.

Discs that are thrown with too much speed or power turn over and roll to the right. Discs that are underpowered will fall off and fade left.

Dog discs are understable to varying degrees depending on the model and because of this aerodynamic property, are highly likely to turn over and roll during distance throwing. This might be a new experience for some of you as you begin to put more speed and power on the disc in your pursuit and development of more distance.

The answer to this tendency to roll is more hyzer, which many of you have undoubtedly heard if you’ve been around discs for a while.

Skip and roll are the extremes of hyzer and anhyzer. You need to learn to be able to do either, on demand, in order to be able to adjust your throw to control and execute distance throws.

Throwing Rollers is not an academic skill. It is a practical and absolute necessity.

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