2 Things You Must Do for Better Disc Dog Team Movement – A DiscDogger Weekly Sneak Peek
Team MovementTeam Movement is how dog and handler move, as a team, out there on the field. It is a judging category in some organizations and certainly is a focus of many judges, players,... & FlowFlow is a key component of the modern day disc dog game. Keeping your dog moving with seamless, ever moving and flowing sequences with little to no set up time is the goal... is our jam. It is how I love to play disc with my dogs. Some people love big tricks, some people love control, some people love dog training, I love to move fluidly with my dog. There is a super simple secret to this, two of them actually, and they are…
It Couldn’t Be Simpler
This really couldn’t be simpler. Throwing out to the side is the natural way to deliver a disc to your dog. I mean, to throw out at 12 o clock you pretty much have to turn sideways to do this any, so…
Throw Laterally – Expanding and Contracting the Flank

You can throw laterally to expand or contract the flank. With Loot, I am starting each sequence by contracting the FlankOut to the side of the handler is the Flank. If the dog is out to the handler's right or left the dog is on Flank. If the dog is moving with the.... With Eppie I tend to expand the Flank to get started.
The Pendulum and the Dynamic Pendulum expand the Flank in both directions.
You can’t have great team movement if you don’t move. As soon as you’re done making the throw, MOVE!
With the PendulumThe Pendulum is a disc dog freestyle pattern where the dog performs dueling Arounds to each Flank. These Arounds are performed off the cued Drop and on the run. After the dog drops... form, the handler remains static and the dog and the play come to us. With the Dynamic Pendulum, the handler moves aggressively to dynamically reset the working position after each throw.
Making the idea of movement a reflex after releasing the disc is a tremendous way to deliver creative Team Movement. This MOVE!!! concept is also key to dynamic and creative sequence building which we cover in graphic detail.