disc dog puppy videos

Disc Dog Puppy Videos in Playlist Format

Disc Dog Puppy Training is a part science and part art form. The human is a trainer, handler, and athlete. The dog is a learner, an athlete, and a teammate. The game of disc with a dog is simple in theory – bite – drop – give and reward placement. In practical terms it can spiral out of control and become unwieldy and complex rather quickly. The disc dog puppy videos in this playlist feature tried and true training techniques arranged in a systemic fashion that teach all the skills you and your puppy need to learn to become a disc dog team.

This playlist is a collection of important disc dog puppy training videos by Pawsitive Vybe. We will be adding to this as we bring up a couple of new disc dogs… stay tuned. Be sure to check out the puppy training category for the full lessons.

Videos Are Great But They’re Not Everything…

This playlist features a ton of great disc dog puppy video content but video content is not enough as video only teaches you what it shows. Being shown how to do something is not the same as knowing what it is that you are doing or why you are doing it.

Most all of the videos in this playlist have complete lessons on the blog. You can also find the lessons in the description of the videos on YouTube and they are all archived for you in the Disc Dog Puppy Training category here on site.

✌️? !Peace & Happy Jamming! ?✌️

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