Epic Summer FlashJam #3

On Paper:

Some nice team movement stuff in here, with a couple of key concepts, I think.

  • Kneeling Over to Flag & Flash Over:
    Kind of an interesting way to get up off the ground. If I run the over slow, the Epic should be pressuring me to stand up.
    Popping up and over at the same time could be pretty spiffy and spinny.
  • Flag & Flash to Weak Flip:
    Epic’s Weak Flip is Clockwise. The Flag & Flash is a Counter Clock Skill. It should provide a nice elastic finish to the Flag & Flash move and an interesting start to the not so impressive Weak Flip.
  • Weak Flip to Counter Clock Twist:
    An additional Counter Clock Twist will make three counter clock spinny things in a row. Cranking Epic up.
  • Clock Twist to Around Counter Clock:
    Crank him up and spit him out.

In Practice:

We will be running this sequence in the near future… Stay Tuned.

Lessons Learned:

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