Epic DiscDog Flash Jam #2 Reloaded | Tuning the Jam

Ron & Epic revisit a Disc Dog Flash Jam from a couple weeks ago to tweak a few things and polish up the performance by changing out a throw and adding some expressive handler movement.

Featured in DiscDogger Weekly #26 | Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, on Vimeo, Firestick TV, and Roku. This show is brought to you by Patrons of Pawsitive Vybe and HeroDisc USA. Become a Patron and support the show while gaining access to Patrons Only content and classes at patreon.com/pvybe.

Changing Out the Throw

As the Jam was drawn, there was an Overhand Wrist Flip (counter clock) happening after a Fakie Spin (clockwise) that I was trying to resolve with a simple clockwise release. It worked and could be cool, but I thought it would be more interesting and efficient with a Jazz Throw.

The idea here is to make this throw not from a Go Around behavior, but in a much more flowing fashion via a natural release. In the first few reps you can see that this is obviously a Go Around behavior, which isn’t super smooth. Notice the smooth release in the last rep, facilitated by some thoughtful handler movement.

I like this movement.

Spinning for the Front Cross

This idea came to me well after the original Jam in a Flash session. It is the main reason I revisited this particular sequence.

Spinning in the opposite direction that a dog is moving will, naturally, result in a Front Cross. Doing this while the dog is busy naturally results in a super-smooth, flowy, and creative Front Cross.

I am super excited about this move.

The Lesson and the Jam

This sequence wound up delivering both a lesson and a jam. It doesn’t always happen that way… The jam is fresh, flowy, and fun, but it is the lesson of the spinning Front Cross that makes this a valuable training session.

This spinning Front Cross has many applications and can be used all over the place. It made the transition from the Clockwise Working Flank to the Jakie work and look much better.

Needed Improvements

I will need to clean up the Jazz throw a bit and ensure that I throw it to create and maintain that Clockwise Flank that is necessary for the back vault finish.

I also need to move more aggressively towards the dog after that throw so I can limit Eppie’s speed and get more control over the initiation of the vault process.

Hope you dug it. Questions and comments below…

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