Working a Trigger with KingAir
King has been through the exercise of working a trigger a few times, but we’ve been focused on Team MovementTeam Movement is how dog and handler move, as a team, out there on the field. It is a judging category in some organizations and certainly is a focus of many judges, players,... and his disc mauling problem. Breaking out the new guy and Epic to demonstrate some Trigger and Wait work provided a great opportunity to revisit this critical skill for this studly young man.
This is a pretty self explanatory lesson, check out the links above for more detailed instruction.
Wow Ron he’s a completely different dog after starting the Fly Chi Forms and when it comes to disc mauling you’ve got his number 🤩
He’s coming along. I had some issues last night at our local jam session – he got a little obsessive on the mauling. I think I got a good punishment dropped on it for the first time. We can chat about it in class today…
He’s come a long way and you should be Super Proud of what you’ve accomplished, I know I am!!!
Yea, have to keep the progression in mind… it’s easy to miss the improvement while the shit is falling apart… General Manager & Coach need to stay off the field, right?
Have fun at the park.