Discdogger Weekly Returns | A Nearly New Weekly Disc Dog Show…

Back in the day there was this really cool disc dog freestyle show called Discdogger Weekly, produced on YT by Josh Grenell, co-founder of the MN Disc Dog Club. Josh and I were kicking out a ton of great freestyle footage back in the day, and he was the first to come up with something that resembled a real show.

Last week while looking at my weekly output on YouTube and having shared every post on Discdogger FB Group, I thought I’d try to make a weekly show of it… I asked Josh if I could resurrect the show, and here we are.

DiscDogger Weekly #1, a playlist generated weekly online disc dog show. Check it out and be sure to Like | Share | Subscribe to our channel. This piece brought to you by Patrons of Pawsitive Vybe and HeroDisc USA

Simple Playlist Format

I’m just using a simple playlist format which will enable me to put any disc dog freestyle video on FB into the show. Not sure how comfy I am with snagging people’s videos and throwing them into an organized “show” even if it is just a playlist, but we’ll see how it shakes out.

Seeking Collaboration

I’ve sent out a couple of collaboration links, for people to join in on the playlist creation with me. Hopefully they will take me up on the offer.

I’m also looking at, perhaps, trying to grab some of the YT videos shared in the group and throw them into the show, trying to make a FB Group based disc dog freestyle show. Might be kind of cool.

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