catch with curves

Dialing in Distance Throwing | Catch with Curves

For many throwers, old and new alike, Hyzer and Anhyzer are like some kind of paranormal activity, like ghosts they are completely visible but ephemeral and difficult to understand. For those that are initiated and understand the concepts practical applications of the skills are often hard to find. Enter Catch with Curves…

The Set Up

A partner, a stack of discs each, and a field big enough to throw 10-20 yards further than you can throw are all that is required for this game.

You need a field bigger than you can throw because while playing this game you are going to wind up throwing further than you can under normal circumstances.


This is a simple game of catch with some rules. The rules are that we alternate between throwing Hyzer, Anhyzer, and straight. It really is that simple.

It is important that the throws alternate. Do not throw the same angle twice in a row. You get one chance to hit criteria per repetition, and throwing multiple attempts at hitting that criteria will cheat you out of understanding and growth.

Compare & Contrast

Compare and contrast is a powerful learning technique. In order to compare and contrast two items we need to put them right next to each other. By placing two things next to each other we get to examine them both. A careful comparison and contrast will tease out both the similarities and the differences between the two objects.

This is powerful because it hones our ability to see both the similarities between the two objects as well as the differences. If we can see the similarities and the differences the categorization and separation processes improve.

This compare and contrast framework will deliver valuable intelligence on all of the throwing angles and will create rapid and deep understanding of both mistakes and proper technique.

Make sure you switch to the next angle on each throw.

Split Focus, Intent, and Purposed Play

While we have 3 general criteria: Hyzer, Anyhzer, and Straight, we have multiple criteria within the game.

You can focus on hitting each of the 3 criteria. You can focus on hitting your target. You can focus on achieving a particular level of each criteria. You can even focus on reading or understanding the nature of each criteria.

Be sure to keep your focus split – Be a Splitter, not a Lumper – and avoid being greedy by wanting everything at once. Choose one or two of these criteria to focus on for a period of time within the game. Get on, get hot, and then get off and move on to another criteria or two during game play.

Each of these focuses can be considered intent or purposed play. Move freely between each as you like and remember this is a game of catch – it is play, not a test.

Alternate and Explore the Expression of the Angles

Be sure to explore a full range of both Hyzer and Anhyzer and do so on purpose, with intent. Try a few reps with BIG expressions of the angle – lots of Hyzer, lots of Anhyzer – then switch gears and try to deliver throws with just the tiniest expression of each.

Doing this purposefully, together with your partner is far more fun and productive than doing it willy nilly or keeping your intent to yourself. This is a game of catch after all, playing it with a partner makes exploration and learning more fun and effective.

Extend Your Range

It is possible to throw further than you can normally throw within this game. Throwing with Hyzer and even Anhyzer is how you learn to let the disc work for you. It is not at all uncommon to see players throwing 10-15 yards further in a game of Catch with Curves than they are capable of throwing in a normal game of catch.

If you’re feeling good and both players are capable, you each can take a big step back and add a few yards to the game. A few of these and you’re 10 yards further apart.

Don’t be afraid to try a Hyzer throw from where the disc lands if it goes past you over your head. You will often be surprised by the results.

If you’re playing with someone who doesn’t throw as far as you, or has confidence issues with distance throwing, try to sneak back to a greater distance during game play. As mentioned above, it is not at all uncommon to see players making throws 10-15 yards further than they believe they are capable of throwing.

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