Routine Building with Cookies

Manufacturing the Approach The dog goes to where reinforcement happens, knowing this, to set a particular approach from a particular distance just toss a cookie out…

Bite as Cookie

So far we have been thinking of bitework in the context of a game. Sometimes when we take that zoomed out view it is easy…

Oppositional Feeding for Drop

Oppositional Feeding is a flatwork pattern where the handler delivers discs to the dog in the opposite direction of the dog’s movement. Oppositional feeding has…

Dismissing the High Drive Dog

For the high drive dog, dismissal is an off switch. It asks her to disengage from the handler and does not allow for interaction until…

Dismissal for Engagement

Dismissal is kind of the opposite of attention. It means that the handler is unavailable or off limits and is an important concept for making…

Getting Aggressive

Once you’re reliably getting Terminators and can miss one or 2 and still get a Terminator, it’s a no brainer to start to get more…