Wall and Pole Drill

This is a very simple drill that you can use to further hone precision and accuracy. All that is needed is a wall that has a pole somewhere on it – baseball fields, a privacy fence, any barrier that has a vertical pole that creates a little nook that you can float a disc into will work.


Set up about 7-10 yards away from the pole at about 45 degrees to the wall throwing into the wind. Deliver discs to the target at the dog’s maximum leaping height. The goal is to have the disc float and just barely touch both the wall and the pole at the same time.

Like I said, very simple, but not so easy…


This drill is terrific for fleshing out an understanding of floaters. It provides a defined target in the pole, helps to define the dog’s line, and gives you feedback on placement in relationship to both the target and the dog’s line.

This combined with a simple Precision and Accuracy Drill will greatly improve disc placement.

Various Angles

Change up the angle in relation to the wall and get experience hitting a target from all kinds of angles. The closer to 90 degrees to the wall, the harder the skill becomes. It’s a very good idea to work as many angles as possible.

Experiment with throwing downwind to get a feeling for how the wind holds up floaters and helps them hover, but stay focused on throwing into the wind to improve the floater and make it more likely to get your dog in the air.

Wall and Pole Drill

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