Epic Summer FlashJam #5 – Might Be a Keeper

On Paper:

This one might be a keeper…

  • Fakie Spin to Leg Over:
    Nifty little move requiring handler movement WHILE the dog executes the Fakie.
  • Leg Over to Jakie:
    Another little chase move, crowding the dog will be necessary, probably a spinning handler to meet Epic and halt him for the Jakie.
  • Jakie to Body Roll Flip:
    Cool, cool sequence here. The Body Roll Flip is a move that has, until just recently, had a very static sequencing ability; I could only do it after a Strong Flip.
    But, that’s changed with a Disc Dog Flash Jams​ sequence a few weeks ago. Now we’re looking for other moves to sequence the Body Roll Flip with.
    This Jakie puts Epic in completelythe wrong direction for our standard, clockwise (weak side) Body Roll Flip.
    But, this Jakie puts him in position to make a clockwise, Strong Flip, which we have not done before.
    It’s pretty exciting.
  • Body Roll Flip to Hoop:
    It should be a well lined up trick right after the catch. We need to add a disc to the skill too. I think Epic is ready.

In Practice:

Lessons Learned:

I completely forgot about the Hoop finish. Hups, my bad… We’ll get some shots at it in the future…

Big Fakie to Leg Over

Stepping away for the Leg Over was not really necessary because of the scale of his Fakie Spin. Epic was really driving off of me. If I were to keep this move I would work on getting a bit more distance, probably by moving away. But Epic doesn’t really have a big strong Over skill, so I decided to stick with what worked for learning the sequence.

It is easier to fix stuff once the sequence is intact and understood. Then the handler has some leverage and increased likelihood of success.

Leg Over to Jakie

The Leg Over is resolving a bit to soft for me. After Epic makes the catch he has a bit too much of an outrun, jogging around in a clockwise direction before settling into Front position.

I thought of a solution right after we quit. If I move during the over and cut the dog off on his outrun, I should be able to reduce the amount of time and distance Epic covers after the over. A moving handler should be able to cut the dog off by moving into the dog’s chosen line.

I think I will give this a shot by “peeling off”, turning in a counter clockwise fashion immediately after the toss to head Epic off before he can get on that outrun.

Back Jakie to Body Roll Flip

We are still not very solid with this move. It’s getting a bit better now that we’ve split it off from the Strong Flip and started to use it in conjunction with other tricks, but it’s still not there. And it’s a pretty tough throw, to boot.

The Back Jakie finishes with the dog on the left or Clockwise Flank, making the Body Roll Flip a Heli Out — a flip that goes against the direction of the Flank. Cuing Heli Out seemed to help him make the right decision on the flipping direction.

This piece of the sequence is certainly going to be a keeper.

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