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More Drops with Hops

This is a typical disc dog training session here at Pawsitive Vybe. We grab a leash, a handful of Frisbees, a highly aroused dog and walk across the tracks. This is a training session with Hops from beginning to end.

Teaching a Fish

A Fish is a move where we toss a disc for your dog to catch and remove it from his mouth before he hits the ground. It’s a great skill for routine building and creating and maintaining Flow.

Jam in a Flash Trash

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Epic Flatwork Compass for Leaping & FreeFlowing Flatwork

Communication on the fly is a key element of disc dog freestyle and disc dog game play. It is a good idea to have a clear and concise communication system to make on the fly decision making a successful endeavor. Nobody wants to be handcuffed by pattern training. The Flatwork Compass provides a simple and elegant communication system that is based upon natural movements and canine/human pressure and body language.